Animations of the Graphical Transformations

Important to Note

Vertical Translation Vertical Stretch Vertical Compression
Dash: f(x) Solid: f(x)+a, a from 0 to 5
Note: Adding a>0 outside function moves the function up. Subtracting would move down.
Dash: f(x) Solid: a f(x), a from 1 to 5
Note: Multiplying by a>1 outside function stretches the function vertically.
Dash: f(x) Solid: a f(x), a from 1 to 0
Note: Multiplying by 0<a<1 outside function compresses the function vertically.
Horizontal Translation Horizontal Stretch Horizontal Compression
Dash: f(x) Solid: f(x+a), a from 0 to 5
Note: Adding a>0 inside function moves the function to the left. Subtracting would move to the right.
Dash: f(x) Solid: f(ax), a from 1 to 0
Note: Multiplying by 0<a<1 inside function stretches the function horizontally.
Dash: f(x) Solid: f(ax), a from 1 to 5
Note: Multiplying by a>1 inside function compresses the function horizontally.