Personal Website Hosting » Connecting to Personal Web Hosting

Connecting to Personal Web Hosting

To manage your personal web pages, you can either upload your new pages using a file-transfer program, or connect to an interactive shell (SSH) on the web server.

If you use a program such as Dreamweaver or FileZilla to upload your web pages, use these connection settings:

Setting Value
Protocol SFTP
Port 22
Username Your username (internet ID) (e.g. jsmith)
Password Your password

Your username should be the same as your Internet ID. However, your password is managed separately from your Internet password. If you don’t know your password, please contact Mark Van Overbeke at 6378 to reset it. With the current change in servers, even if you think you know your password, it was probably changed during the migration.

If you are connecting from off campus, you will need to have a VPN (Virtual Private Network) client installed.