CSci 1001 Problem set 5. Due Thursday, April 26.

Problem 0: Finish and submit your lab

Problem 1: JavaScript Events

This problem may be done in pairs or individually. Read the requirements carefully - they are somewhat different for these two cases.

Design and implement an interactive page related to computing: history of computing, use of computers in a specific industry, or current or future use of computers. Use the interactive features to help a person find out more about computing. You may use forms to set up quizzes or a binary/decimal converter, use rollovers or buttons to display graphical information, etc.

Your page must have the following:

  1. CSS formatting for the page (you don't need to use classes, but you can if you prefer)
  2. The page must be reasonably XHTML valid (name attributes are OK, forms with no action are OK)
  3. The page must have at least two images and at least 2 links.
  4. The page must have at least two interactive elements - forms, rollovers, change of style properties, etc. (at least three for a group of two)
  5. A JavaScript event, such as onClick, onMouseOver, onMouseOut. For a group of two: the page must have at least two different events.
  6. Use at least one JavaScript function (at least two for a group of two)
  7. At least one feature ((at least two for a group of two) in addition to the ones listed: a table, using prompt input, a loop, or an additional interactive element. When you submit, please let me know what that feature is. There is also a possiblity for extra credit if your extra feature is sufficiently complex or if you use two (but do not use more than two).

Your page will be graded based on the contents, appearance, XHTML correctness, CSS formatting, JavaScript features, and the quality of your code (comments for non-standard features, etc).

You will also get 5 minutes of class time to show-case your page. In groups of two both group members must do a "presentation" together.

Problem 2 (written part, individual work)

Please convert the following numbers from binary to decimal. All numbers are positive.

  1. 10011
  2. 11
  3. 10100

Please convert the following numbers from decimal to binary.

  1. 1
  2. 30
  3. 39

Problem 3 (written part, individual work)

Exercises 18, 19, 20, 21 p. 228.