CSci 1001 Problem set 1. Due Thursday, Sept. 19th.

Written problems (12 points, due in class on Sept 19 or by e-mail by 11:55pm on Sept 19)

HTML (12 points, due by e-mail by 11:55pm on Sept. 19)

Construct a web page about yourself or anything that interests you. Do not set any fonts, colors, etc. - you will format your page using CSS. Write your source code in a plain-text editor, such as NotePad or (better) jEdit. You can download jEdit from a link on the resources page. Upload your file to the HTML validator (see the resources page), your page must be HTML-compliant.
Your page must have the following:

How to submit

Web pages:

Send me all the files (including images) by e-mail.

Word problems:

Either submit them at the beginning of the class (printed or hand-written) or send them by e-mail. Please send only one e-mail with your entire problem set.

CSci 1001 course web site.