Post data for project assignment 2

Save it as a file post_data.php and include it in your file (use require("post_data.php")). Alternatively you can copy the file on rynite as

cp ~elenam/public_html/1101_fall06/project_files/post_data.php .
(this will copy the file into your current directory; don't forget to put a dot after the space).

A script to create arrays from the wp database
Author: Jason Hutcheson
Last Modifed: 3/14/2006

$postarray = array(
"Welcome to CSCI 1101!",
"2006-08-25 23:40:57",
"'Welcome to Elena Machkasova\'s Fall of 2006 Dynamic Web Programming class. Please feel free to post comments and questions on this blog.'",
"2006-08-29 07:47:02",
"'Welcome to Fall 2006 Csci 1101 blog! In this class you will learn some technologies that allow online communications, such as blogging and you will build your own blog. I am looking forward to a fun and educational semester.

Please feel free to introduce yourself to me and to others by replying to this post.
- Elena'",
"An example for 8/30/06 - XHTML",
"2006-08-30 21:28:40",
"'<a href=\"\">The first XHTML page</a> in this course. This page has the bulk of the HTML that we will be using this semester.'",
"Lab 1 and problem set 1",
"2006-09-07 19:47:20",
"'Here are links to <a href=\"\">Lab 1</a> and <a href=\"\">Problem set 1</a>. We will finish the lab on Tuesday. Note that I made a few changes to the lab description just now so if you had an old printout, please use the new one instead. The lab will be due next Wednesday. Note that since the work is submitted electronically, the deadlines for labs and problem sets are at 10pm.
Even though the lab and the problem set are not due for a while, you should continue learning XHTML: try various tags and attributes. You can view your pages locally in your browser (Go to File -> Open File menu). You can also upload files to rynite and view them there (the lab tells you what the URL is). You should be able to transfer files to rynite through WinSCP or another secure FTP program. The problem with accessing rynite in the lab is fixed, too, so you can work in the lab if you prefer.
If you have any questions, please post them here (preferred) or send me an e-mail, I will be happy to help.'",
"problem sets, XHTML"),
"jEdit problem fixed on most machines",
"2006-09-13 10:33:48",
"'jEdit problem is now fixed on the machines that we knew of that had troubles with it. If jEdit does not start on the machine that you are using, please send me an e-mail or write a comment to this post (make sure to tell me which machine it is). Note that jEdit is still not working on the machines in the first row.'",
"Problem set 2",
"2006-09-25 19:13:42",
"'<a href=\"\">Problem set 2</a> is now posted. There will be one or two more problems added. However, you can start working on the first problems right when you are done with the lab.
If you have any questions about the lab or the problem set, please comment here.'",
"problem sets, PHP"),
"Web pages",
"2006-09-30 14:50:38",
"'Here are all the web pages put together for problem set 1. Great job, everyone!
	<li><a href=\"\">Andy Barnes</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Brian Bourne</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Emily Christiansen</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Noah Clark</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Georgia Cook</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Nathan Gamer</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Rachael Gilman
	<li><a href=\"\">Missy Helgeson</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Sheila Koval</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Brian Ohs</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Steve Schmidt</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Becca Thiesse</a></li>
"Conditionals and loops in php",
"2006-10-02 20:11:45",
"'These are links to in-class examples related to conditionals and loops:
	<li><a href=\"\">Conditionals</a><a href=\"\">
	<li><a href=\"\">Switch statement and loops</a></li>
Please post here if you have any questions or comments.

Update on 10/3/06: a solution to the in-class exercise is posted on Conditionals page.'",
"problem sets, PHP"),
"Groups for the project",
"2006-10-05 07:38:05",
"'Please comment here when you find a partner for the project (make sure to include both names) or if you are still looking for someone to work with. If you are still looking, mention your preferred time to work and time constraints (if any), such as evening jobs or activities. Please comment before the end of the day on Friday to let me and others know whether you have found a partner.'",
"Loops and arrays",
"2006-10-12 11:22:11",
"'This is a discussion area for:
	<li><a href=\"\">Lab 3</a></li>
	<li><a href=\"\">Problem set 3</a></li>
There is an important note about the lab in the first comment.'",
"problem sets, PHP"),
"CSS questions",
"2006-10-18 15:49:20",
"'This is a post for CSS and XHTML questions for the project. As much as possible try to keep your design XHTML-valid (which means that pretty much all the formatting is done in CSS).'",
"project, CSS, XHTML"),
"Problem set 4: arrays",
"2006-10-29 08:46:04",
"'<p>This is a post for discussion of <a href=\"\">problem set 4</a>.
"problem sets, PHP"))
