CSci 1101 Problem set 3. Due Wedn. Oct. 25 at 10pm

Testing and submitting your programs.

Question 1

Given the first array example (colors and fruit), create a table with the opposite order of elements (banana, orange, apple) WITHOUT changing the order of elements in the arrays.
Here is the starting code:

<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
PHP arrays
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 2/21/06
$colors = array("red", "orange", "yellow");
$fruit = array("apple", "orange", "banana");
$td_style = "width: 75px; height: 30px; text-align: center";

Using arrays to generate a table
<h3>What would you like for breakfast?</h3>


Question 2

Note for next semester: remove the first array since it's redundant?
You are given a program with two arrays: an array of student names and an associative array that assigns a numeric grade to each student:

<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 2/25/06
$students = array("Joe Smith", "Jane Brown", "Bob Green",
                  "Julia Anderson", "Mary Andrews",
                  "Peter Black");
$scores = array("Joe Smith" => 75, "Jane Brown" => 88,
                 "Bob Green" => 96, "Julia Anderson" => 93.5,
                 "Mary Andrews" => 67, "Peter Black" => 89);

Homework Question 2
<h2>Grade list</h2>

Question 2.1 Write a program that creates a table with one row per student, the student's name in one column and their grade in the other column. Test the program and save it away before moving on to the next question.
Question 2.2 Change the program so that it shows scores above 90 in boldface and scores below 70 in red. Test your program. Then change the scores in the array and test it again. Save the solution before moving on to the next question.
Question 2.3 Add the third column to the table for the letter grade. Compute the letter grade as follows: scores of >= 90 convert to A, scores between 80 (including) and 90 (not including) convert to B, scores between 70 (including) and 80 (not including) convert to C, scores between 60 (including) and 70 (not including) convert to D, and below 60 convert to F. Test your program with different scores.
Question 2.4 After the table print out how many students who are passing the course (i.e. have grades of D and above). You don't need to print the names.

Question 3

Write a program that has an array of two colors (a lighter one first, then a darker one), for instance

$colors = array("lightgreen", "darkgreen");
The program draws a checker board as a table, alternating the cell background between the two colors. A checker board is 8-by-8 squares, starting with the lighter color as the top left cell. Make sure that the table cells are squares (i.e. you need to set width and height).

Submitting your code

Make sure all your files are uploaded to rynite, send me an e-mail with the file names and locations when done. It's OK to submit only the final version of question 2 if everything is working right, but if something is not working as you expected then please submit answers to different parts of the question separately.

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