PHP examples: arrays and loops

Accessing elements in an array; 'for' loop

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PHP arrays
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 2/21/06
$colors = array("red", "orange", "yellow");
$fruit = array("apple", "orange", "banana");
$td_style = "width: 75px; height: 30px; text-align: center";
Using arrays to generate a table

<h3>What would you like for breakfast?</h3>
print "<td style=\"background: $colors[0]; $td_style\">\n";
print "<div style=\"font-weight: bold\">$fruit[0]</div>\n";
print "</td>\n";

print "<td style=\"background: $colors[1]; $td_style\">\n";
print "<div style=\"font-weight: bold\">$fruit[1]</div>\n";
print "</td>\n";

print "<td style=\"background: $colors[2]; $td_style\">\n";
print "<div style=\"font-weight: bold\">$fruit[2]</div>\n";
print "</td>\n";

  // it's more convenient to put together the table using a loop
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; $i++) {
  print "<td style=\"background: $colors[$i]; $td_style\">\n";
  print "<div style=\"font-weight: bold\">$fruit[$i]</div>\n";
  print "</td>\n";


Foreach loop

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PHP arrays and foreach loops
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 2/23/06
$todo = array("Do the laundry", "Study for the math test",
              "Finish writing the paper", "Call mom");
Using a for-each loop

<h2>Your to-do list for the weekend</h2>
foreach ($todo as $item) {
  print "<li>$item</li>\n";


Associative arrays - arrays indexed with strings or other data

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Associative arrays
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 2/23/06
$phonebook = array("Sally" => "123-4567", "Joe" => "987-6543", 
"Mike" => "765-4321");

Phone book example
// note that you have to use string concatenation here (see dots 
// surrounding $phonebook["Sally"]?), otherwise you run into a closing
// quotations problem
print "Sally's phone number is ".$phonebook["Sally"]."<br/>\n";

<h3>All phone numbers in my phone book:</h3>
foreach ($phonebook as $name => $phone) {
	print "$name's phone number is $phone<br/>\n";	
<h3>Added Jenny, removed Mike:</h3>
unset($phonebook["Mike"]); // removing an element of an array
$phonebook["Jenny"] = "192-8374"; // adding element to an array
foreach ($phonebook as $name => $phone) {
	print "$name's phone number is $phone<br/>\n";	

<h3>This is how the array is stored in PHP</h3>
// print_r is a function that prints the array:
print "<br/>\n"; // print_r doesn't print a line break after the array data
// count is a function that counts the number of elements in the array
// notice the string concatenation below - we can't call a function 
// within a string
print "The array has ".count($phonebook)." elements.<br/>\n";
<h3>Finding things in an array</h3>
if (in_array("123-4567", $phonebook)) {
	print "123-4567 is in the array<br/>\n";	
if (in_array(123, $phonebook)) {
	print "123 is in the array if you don't use strict comparison<br/>\n";	
if (in_array(123, $phonebook, true)) {
	print "123 is in the array with strict comparison<br/>\n";	
} else {
	print "123 is NOT in the array with strict comparison<br/>\n";	
if (array_key_exists("Joe",$phonebook)) {
	print "'Joe' is one of the keys of the array<br/>\n";	
print "All keys of the array are: ";
print "<br/>\n";


Exercise on arrays

Create a 4-row table that lists seasons and sports: the season in the left column, the corresponding sport in the right one. Which of the loops would you use?

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PHP arrays - exercise
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 2/23/06

$sports = array ("winter" => "skiing",
		 "spring" => "jogging",
		 "summer" => "kayaking",
		 "fall" => "hiking");		 

Using arrays to generate a table

print_r($sports); // just testing - remove this line

Two-dimensional arrays

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PHP two-dimensional arrays
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 3/2/06
$data = array(array(2.8, 6.7, 4.5, 3.7, 5.0),
	      array(6.3, 7.8, 5.6, 8.0, 6.7, 7.9),
	      array(3.4, 5.2, 3.9, 4.6, 3.5));
$temperature = array("2/28/06" => array(24, 32, 41, 27),
		"3/1/06" => array(25, 30, 37, 19),
		"3/2/06" => array(15, 22, 26, 18));


Two-dimensional arrays
print "<h3>data:</h3>\n"; 
print "<h3>temperature:</h3>\n";

print "<h3>Accessing an element in a 2D array:</h3>\n"; 
print $data[2][3]."<br/>\n";
print $temperature["3/1/06"][1]."<br/>\n";

// we use nested for loops here, we could use foreach instead (see below)
print "<h3>Finding the average of each row of data</h3>\n";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
	$sum = 0;
	for ($j = 0; $j < count($data[$i]); $j++) {
		$sum = $sum + $data[$i][$j];
	$average = $sum/count($data[$i]);
	print "The average for row $i is $average<br/>\n";

print "<h3>Finding the average of each row of temperature</h3>\n";
foreach ($temperature as $day => $temps) {
	$sum = 0;
	foreach ($temps as $temp) {
		$sum = $sum + $temp;
	$average = $sum/count($temps);
	// need brackets around $average, otherwise it's read as $averageF
	print "The average temperature for $day is {$average}F<br/>\n";
