Authentication (checking passwords) in php

Important: these examples send passwords in clear text. Do not send any passwords that you use for anything else!

You need to copy the file /var/www/html/wordpress/wp-includes/class-phpass.php into your current directory. To do this:

Note that require_once does not work for absolute paths. You can use a relative path from your working directory (that involves lots of ..), then you don't need to copy the file.

Authentication using php only

User fills in a form in a web page, the program checks the password, and if it is incorrect, re-displays the form. The password is checked against the one stored in the database.

Note that, although it is possible to distinguish between a wrong user name and a wrong password, the form diaplys a uniform message. This is often done for security reasons so that the form would not reveal user names.


  // -------------- define functions -----------------
function isvalid($user, $password, $connection) {
  // checking if the user's login name is in DB
  // and if it is, checking if the hashed password in DB
  // matches the hash of the given password

  // get rid of extra spaces in user name
  $user = trim($user);

  // get the user's hashed password from the database
  $password_q = "SELECT user_pass FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = '$user'";

  if (! ($result = @mysql_query($password_q, $connection))) {

  // if the result is empty then the user's name is not in the
  // database, i.e. is invalid
  if (!$row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    //print "<p>Invalid password</p>";
    return false;
  // if we got here, the user name is valid, and we get
  // the hashed password
  $pass_hash = $row['user_pass'];


  // include the file that checks the password

  // create an object for checking the password
  $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash(8, TRUE);

  // call the function to check the password
  // note the ->: this is an object-oriented approach
  $check = $wp_hasher->CheckPassword($password, $pass_hash);

  // true if the password checks out, false otherwise
  return $check;

function print_login_form() {
  $form_string = "
<form id=\"theform\" method=\"post\"
<table border=\"0\">
<td>Enter your user name:</td>
<input type = \"text\" name = \"user\" />
<td>Enter your password:</td>
<input type = \"password\" name = \"password\" />
<input type=\"submit\" name = \"submit\" value=\"submit\" />
  print $form_string;

function showerror()
  die("Error ". mysql_errno(). " : " .mysql_error());

// ---------------- end of functions -----------------

// getting the form data
$user = $_POST['user'];
$password = $_POST['password'];?>
<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
PHP functions
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 4/29/09
<html  xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
Checking user's login name and password
// open DB conncetion
// connect to the server
if (! ($connection = @mysql_connect("localhost","1101readonly","spring1101read")))
die ("connection to the database failed");

// select a database
if (!@mysql_select_db("wordpress", $connection)) showerror();

if (isset($user)) {
   if (isvalid($user, $password, $connection)) {
       print "Welcome, $user!<br/>\n";
   } else {
       // if the password is incorrect or no such user,
       // print an error message and display the form
       print "<p>No such user or password invalid, please try again</p>";
} else {
      // print the login form the first time

// close DB connection


Authentication using php and http headers

Here the server sends a password pop-up form before the page is loaded. The password is then checked exactly the same way as in the previous example.

  // -------------- define functions -----------------
function isvalid($user, $password, $connection) {
  // checking if the user's login name is in DB
  // and if it is, checking if the hashed password in DB
  // matches the hash of the given password

  // get rid of extra spaces in user name
  $user = trim($user);

  // get the user's hashed password from the database
  $password_q = "SELECT user_pass FROM wp_users WHERE user_login = '$user'";

  if (! ($result = @mysql_query($password_q, $connection))) {

  // if the result is empty then the user's name is not in the
  // database, i.e. is invalid
  if (!$row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
    //print "<p>Invalid password</p>";
    return false;
  // if we got here, the user name is valid, and we get
  // the hashed password
  $pass_hash = $row['user_pass'];


  // include the file that checks the password

  // create an object for checking the password
  $wp_hasher = new PasswordHash(8, TRUE);

  // call the function to check the password
  // note the ->: this is an object-oriented approach
  $check = $wp_hasher->CheckPassword($password, $pass_hash);

  // true if the password checks out, false otherwise
  return $check;

function showerror()
  die("Error ". mysql_errno(). " : " .mysql_error());

function send_headers() {
  header("WWW-authenticate: Basic realm=\"1101 Blog\"");
  header("HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized");

// ---------------- end of functions -----------------

// get the user's name, password (if any)
$user = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_USER'];
$password = $_SERVER['PHP_AUTH_PW'];

$message = "You are not authorized to access this page";
if (!isset($user)) {
  // need to authenticate
 } else {
  // open connection to check the password
  if (! ($connection = @mysql_connect("localhost","1101readonly","spring1101read"))) {
    die ("connection to the database failed");

  // select a database
  if (!@mysql_select_db("wordpress", $connection)) showerror();

  if (isvalid($user, $password, $connection)) {
    // if the user, password are in the database
    $message = "Welcome, $user!<br/>\n";
  } else {
    // invalid password
  // close DB connection

<!DOCTYPE html
PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
Checking if the user's login name and password are in the database
Author: Elena Machkasova
Last modified: 4/30/09
<html  xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8" />
Checking user's login name and password
                // will display the message if the user is successfully logged in or if
                // clicked "Cancel"
print $message;

UMM CSci 1101