The example below consists of two files.

The program for testing complex numbers:

// this is a test driver program for the class Complex

public class ComplexDriver {

    public static void main (String [] args) {
	Complex cm1 = new Complex (3.5, 4.5);
	Complex cm2 = new Complex ();

	System.out.println("cm1 = " + cm1);
	System.out.println("cm2 = " + cm2);

	// integers are converted to doubles:
	Complex cm3 = new Complex(4,5);
	System.out.println("cm3 = " + cm3);


	cm3 = cm1.add(cm2);

	// multiply c2 by i:
	cm3 = cm1.mult(cm2);
	System.out.println("Multiply cm2 by i:");
	System.out.println("cm3 = " + cm3);

	// divide cm3 by i. Should get back 3.5 + 4.5i
	System.out.println("Multiply cm3 by i:");
	cm1 = cm3.div(cm2);
	System.out.println("cm1 = " + cm1);

	// add test code for the 3 new methods

The file with the definition of Complex class:

// the class Complex defines complex numbers
// and operations on these numbers

public class Complex {
    private double re; // real part of the complex number
    private double im; // imaginary part of the complex number

    // a constructor with two initial values
    public Complex(double r, double i) {
	re = r;
	im = i;

    // a constructor that sets re and im to 0.0
    public Complex() {
	// do nothing, re and im are initialized
	// to 0.0 by default

    // resets the real part of the complex number
    public void setRe(double r) {
	re = r;

    // resets the imaginary part of the complex number
    public void setIm(double i) {
	im = i;

    // returns the value of the real part
    public double getRe() {
	return re;

    // returns the value of the imaginary part
    public double getIm() {
	return im;

    // adding this number and c, returning the
    // result as a new complex number.
    // this numner is not changed
    public Complex add(Complex c) {
	// this number can access private variables of c 
	// since they are in the same class
	return new Complex(re +, im +;

    // returns the new complex number which is this number - c
    public Complex subtr(Complex c) {
	return new Complex(re -, im -;

    public Complex mult(Complex c) {
	double newre = re * - im *;
	double newim = re * + im *;
	return new Complex(newre, newim);

    // returns the new complex number which is this number divided by c
    public Complex div(Complex c) {
	double numerator = * + *;
	double newre = (re * + im * / numerator;
	double newim = (re * - im * / numerator;
	return new Complex(newre, newim);

    // add methods equals, absvalue, isReal:

    // equals compares this number to the parameter. 
    // Returns true if the two numbers have the same value,
    // false otherwise

    // returns the absolute value of this number: square root
    // of the sum of the square of the real part and the square of 
    // imaginary part

    // isReal returns true if the imaginary part is 0,
    // false otherwise

    // returns a string with the value of the complex number
    public String toString() {
	String str = new String ("complex number: re = " + re + 
				 " im = " + im);
	return str;

This is an example from CSci 1211 course.