Class TemperatureCelsius provides constants and functions to work with temperatures in Celsius.

// the class provides various static function related 
// to temperatures in Celsius
public class TemperatureCelsius {
    public final static double boiling = 100.0;
    public final static double freezing = 0.0;

    public static double fromFahrenheit(double fahr) {
	return ((fahr - 32)/9.0 * 5.0 );

    public static double toFahrenheit(double cels) {
	return cels * 9.0 / 5.0 + 32;

Here is the test program for this class. Note that no objects are created, methods are used similarly to the Math methods.

public class TemperatureTest {
    public static void main (String [] args) {
	double temp = 44;
	if (TemperatureCelsius.fromFahrenheit(temp) 
	    < TemperatureCelsius.freezing) {
	} else {
	    System.out.println("Nice and warm!");

This is an example from CSci 1211 course.