CSci 1301: Project Presentations

Friday, November 6

Each group will get 3 minutes to present their project. Everyone in the audience will give each group a score on 1-5 scale based on their project. Additionally you can circle up to three groups that, in your opinion, are the best. You may also send me your choices by e-mail later if you prefer to test programs on your own.

The code will be posted (with names of the group participants).

When presenting your project, show features that are interesting and different from other projects. These features may be game aspects and/or programming aspects.

Presenations will be graded on: participation (all group participants must be there to present), knowing your project, being prepared, presentation style (look at people, use appropriate manner), and the ability to answer questions (if any). All group members must participate (talk and/or show project features).

CSci 1301 course web site.