The lab is done in groups of 2 (preferred) or 3. In the beginning of each file please write (in comments) the names fo all group members.
At the end of the lab please send me and your group partner(s) all your Racket files as e-mail attachments. My e-mail is elenam at The subject of your e-mail must be "1301 Lab 2" followed by "Final" or "Not final", depending on whether this is a final submission or you are still working on it. If you need to finish it, make sure to set up a time with your group partner(s) to finish the lab.
Your task is to write a simple animation, something similar to (and building upon) the rocket landing example from Prologue which is also posted on our resources page. Your animation may be constructed out of shapes, pictures, or a combination. Use your imagination, and then build your animation step by step, running it after each modification. Focus on good code style (use variables, helper functions, meaningful names, comments to clarify your code). Browse the image.rkt teachpack to see what's there, use various elements (you can write messages using strings, too!). Feel free to experiment with randomness, too.
All animations will be posted anonymously on the class web page and will be voted on. The top three will get extra credit.
Your animation must satisfy the following requirements: