CSci 1301: Games

Please vote for at most three gamess. Voting for your own is fine. You will receive a link to a google form where you can vote. Extra credit is given to games that receive the most votes.

Voting closes on Friday Dec 9 at 11:59pm. Voting for games is required, it's worth 3 points towards problem sets grade.

  1. Benny, Ahnaf
  2. Colin, Nick (extra credit: +3.5 functionality, +1 code quality)
  3. Emily, Roen
  4. Ethan, Jacob(extra credit: +4 functionality, +3.5 code quality)
  5. Ethan, Kyle
  6. John, Dexter
  7. Leah, Charlot (extra credit: +3 functionality, +2 code quality)
  8. Logan, Kriss
  9. Luke, Dustin
  10. Mark
  11. Mike, Sam
  12. Paul (extra credit: +1 functionality, +4 code quality) Instructions: download the zipped folder, extract all files, run the game.rkt file. If the program crashes, try running it on Windows.
  13. Roch, Wahid (extra credit: +1 functionality)
  14. Thomas
  15. Victor, Joshua, Jubair (extra credit: +1 functionality)
  16. Victor, Zach
  17. Xai, Jordan (extra credit: +2 code quality)
  18. Dylan

CSci 1301 course web site.