CSci 2101 Lab 16. December 6th.

30 points

Due Thursday, December 8th. Do not take more than 4 hours total on this lab

Work in pairs on this lab.

Implementing a game of Tic-Tac-Toe as a Java GUI

Use Java GUI to implement a game of Tic-Tac-Toe: the user clicks on squares, the computer responds with a random move. Ideally when someone wins, there should be some message displayed. Illegal moves (clicking on a square already taken) should not be allowed. Ideally an error message should be displayed in the GUI.

Implementation suggestions:

Make sure you follow the Model-View-Controller (MVC) approach.

As a minimum, your GUI should compile, run, and implement the basic functionality. Feel free to add extra features (colors, marks other than X and O, sounds(?)) - be creative. Extra features may count as extra credit if all of the basic functionality is working.

How to submit

Submit the java file(s) with your testing code by e-mail to me. The subject of the message must be 2101 Lab 16. Make sure to CC your group partner(s).

CSci 2101 course web site.