CSci 2101 Problem set 1. Java conditionals, loops.

Due Friday, January 24 at 11:59pm (by e-mail)

30 points

Problem 1 (8 points)

Write a program that declares three integers (n1, n2, and n3) and then print them in order (the smallest one first). Make sure that your program works for all possible initial orderings. Assume that all three integers are different. Write down in comments what data you used to test your program.

Problem 2 (7 points)

Write a program that prints a string backward in a loop.

Problem 3 (7 points)

Write a program to find the number of occurrences of a given substring in a string. Use indexOf method in a loop (what is the return value of indexOf when the substring is not found?). Print the result only once, after the loop. Show your test data.

Problem 4 (8 points) Updated Jan. 21st

Write a program that simulates six rolls of a six-sided die in a loop and at the end computes the average of these six rolls.

How to submit

Submit your Java file(s) to me by e-mail. The subject must be Problem Set N, where N is the problem set number.

CSci 2101 course web site.