CSci 3501 Algorithms and Computability - Regular Expression Tester.

 * Computer Science 3501 - Fall 2007
 * Framework for testing Java regular expressions
 * Version 1.0
 * This class contains 3 regular expressions functions to match, split, and replace substrings
 * using the Java regular expression classes quickly and easily. Instead of directly dealing
 * with pattern creation, managing matcher objects, and running loops on strings, you need
 * only invoke the relevant function. The output for each function is meaningful.
 * The matcher function will print the number of matches, and the matched substrings.
 * The split function will print the number of fragments, and the fragment substrings.
 * The replace function will print the altered output.
 * Simply program in your regular expressions, optional parameters, and your input string(s)
 * as calls to these functions.
 * Read the function javadocs below for specific usage information.
 * -Daniel Selifonov

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;

public class RegExTester

        public static void main(String[] args)
                // sample use of the functions
                doRegExMatch("cAkE", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE, "This cake is so delicious and moist.");
                doRegExSplit("us ", "Thank you, for helping us help you help us all.");
                doRegExReplace("\\d+", 0, "8000", "24 ounces of dark chocolate, 2 cups of sugar, 12 grams of ethyl benzene...");

         * Match the regular expression pattern against the input, with optional pattern flags.
         * The pattern is expected to be a valid Java regular expression as described in
         * the "Summary of regular-expression constructs" within the documentation:
         * Pattern flags are also described in the documentation. For this lab, you will
         * likely need to provide either "0" or "Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE" in this
         * parameter.
         * The input can be any Java string. It will be matched against the pattern with
         * any patternFlag modifiers.
         * This function will print the pattern, input, and match count. This will be followed
         * by a list of all matched sub-strings.
         * @param pattern A regular-expression pattern.
         * @param patternFlags Processing modification flags for the pattern.
         * @param input A string to test.
        private static void doRegExMatch(String pattern, int patternFlags, String input)
                List matches = new ArrayList();
                Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(pattern, patternFlags);
                Matcher mat = pat.matcher(input);
                int count;
                for (count = 0; mat.find(); count++)
                        matches.add(input.substring(mat.start(), mat.end()));
                System.out.println("Matched (" + (patternFlags == Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE ? "case insensitive" : "case sensitive") + "): \""
                                + pattern + "\" in \"" + input + "\" " + count + " times.");
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                        System.out.println("\t Match #" + (i + 1) + ": " + matches.get(i));

         * Fragment the input string by the given regular expression pattern.
         * Java allows you to split strings by regular expressions.
         * This function will take a regular expression and an input string,
         * then will produce a list of all fragments produced when the
         * input string is split by the regular expression defined delimiter.
         * @param pattern A regular-expression pattern.
         * @param input A string to fragment.
        private static void doRegExSplit(String pattern, String input)
                Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(pattern);
                String[] parts = pat.split(input);
                System.out.print("Found " + parts.length + " fragments after splitting \"" + input + "\" by \"" + pattern + "\": [");
                for (int i = 0; i < parts.length; i++)
                        System.out.print("\"" + parts[i] + "\"");
                        if (i < (parts.length - 1))
                                System.out.print(", ");

         * Replace all occurences of the pattern, with the string literal defined in replace,
         * over the input string, with patternFlag processing flags.
         * Java allows replacement of regular expression defined regions in a string
         * by any string literal. This function will do that, and print the results.
         * @param pattern The pattern defining the replacement regions.
         * @param patternFlags Any modification flags on the pattern matching.
         * @param replace A string literal used to replace the pattern regions. (This is not a regular expression string.)
         * @param input The string upon which to perform the matching and replacement.
        private static void doRegExReplace(String pattern, int patternFlags, String replace, String input)
                Pattern pat = Pattern.compile(pattern, patternFlags);
                Matcher mat = pat.matcher(input);
                String replaced = mat.replaceAll(replace);
                System.out.println("Replaced all (" + (patternFlags == Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE ? "case insensitive" : "case sensitive") + ") occurrences of \""
                                + pattern + "\" in sentence \"" + input + "\" with \"" + replace + "\" to make: \"" + replaced + "\".");

CSci 3501 course web site.