CSci 3501 Algorithms and Computability - Lab 10.

November 12th. Due Wednesday, November 18th at 11:59pm

What to submit and when:

Lab assignment

Work in pairs

Lab overview and goals

The goals of this lab are:

  1. To study context free grammars (CFG) and pushdown automata using JFLAP
  2. To study context free pumping lemma using JFLAP

CFG and pushdown automata

Use the corresponding sections of JFLAP tutorial as a reference. Define the following in JFLAP:

  1. A context free grammar for the language of strings a^n b^m, where n >= m
  2. A context free grammar for the language of strings a^k followed by any number of b followed by c^k
  3. A pushdown automaton for the language of strings a^k followed by any number of b followed by c^k (do not convert your grammar from the previous question into an automaton or vice versa)

Pumping lemma for context free languages

Use the tutorial for the pumping lemma. Play the "pumping lemma game" for the following examples. For each example indicate if the language is context-free or not and why.

Using JFLAP and naming your files

What to submit

CSci 3501 course web site.