CSci 4554 problem set 5.

Due Monday, Nov 5 in class.

  1. Exercise 7.1 p. 200 (6 points)
  2. Exercise 7.3.1 p. 200 (4 points)
  3. Exercise 7.6 p. 200. Note that CRT refers to Chinese Remainder Theorem (8 points)
  4. Exercise 7.12 p. 201. Show an example of such an attack using p = 5, q = 11, e = 3 (note that you would need to compute d), show all your work. (6 points)
  5. Exercise 7.16 p. 204 (6 points)
  6. Exercise 8.5 p. 235 (9 points)
  7. Exercise 8.7 p. 235 (4 points)

CSci 4554 course web site.