Ruby blocks vs lambdas

It is possible to define and use first-class functions in Ruby. They are defined using a familiar lambda notation (see below). You can pass as many functions as you want to a function. Note that to call the function, you use call method, just like for a block. Syntactically, however, blocks are different from lambdas and allow you to write more natural code where blocks are used as a "loop" body. You cannot do it with a lambda.

###### may be used to write a traverse-like function in #################
###### Nested Array to write all other methods as calls to traverse #####
# creating a function that you can pass to another function
add_two = lambda {|x| x + 2}

repeat = lambda {|y, z|}

# functions can now be passed around 
# cannot do it with blocks :-(
def call_two_functions(f1, f2) 
 return, 5)

p call_two_functions(add_two, repeat)

CSci 4651 course.