Javascript review for the final.

Review of Javascript prototype inheritance. You also need to know Object.create and Object.getPrototypeOf.

    // Explain what the following Javascript does, what will
    // be printed, and why. 
    var myobject = {
    x: 5,
    m: function (y) {
    document.write(" I am here <br />");
    return this.x + y;

    document.write ("x = " + myobject.x + "<br />");
    document.write ("m call: " + myobject.m(5) + "<br />");

    var another = {
    z: "hi",
    m1: function() {
    return this.z + " there!";

    document.write ("m1 call: " + another.m1() + "<br />");
    // setting the object prototype after it's been created: 
    another.__proto__ = myobject;

    document.write ("m call: " + another.m(5) + "<br />");

    another['m2'] = function () {return this.z + " " + this.x};

    document.write ("m2 call: " + another.m2() + "<br />");

CSci 4651 course web site.