Y-Combinator defined and used in Clojure

Below is Y-Combinator (a fixed-point combinator) encoded in Clojure and examples of its use. Note that this is the call-by-value version of Y-Combinator since the one given in the book converges only in the call-by-name lambda-calculus, and results in divergence in call-by-value.

(ns YCombinator) 

;; the Y-Combinator 
(def Y (fn [f] ((fn [x] (f (fn [y] ((x x) y)))) 
                (fn [x] (f (fn [y] ((x x) y)))))))

;; the function that is used to define recursive factorial. 
;; Note that f is a parameter and the function itself is anonymous. 
(def fact-funct (fn [f] (fn [n] (if (<= n 0) 1 (* n (f (- n 1)))))))

;; using fact-funct to define the factorial function as the fixed
;; point.  
(def fact (Y fact-funct))

;; checking that fact works as expected
(println (fact 5))

;; the function for recursion on collections
(def sum-funct (fn [f] (fn [coll] (if (empty? coll) 0
                                         (+ (first coll) (f (rest coll)))))))

;; defining the sum-coll function using Y-Combinator
(def sum-coll (Y sum-funct))

(println (sum-coll [2 3 4 5]))

UMM CSci 4651