Math 4452 Mathematical Modeling
- All Lectures in pdf format
- All Lectures in LaTeX format (includes eps graphics)
- All the Mathematica files used in lectures.
# | Topic | Lecture Notes |
1 | The Five Step Method, Single Variable Optimization and Sensitivity Analysis | Notes |
2 | Modeling Example: Automobile Manufacture | Notes |
3 | Unconstrained Multivariable Optimization | Notes  Mathematica |
4 | Lagrange Multipliers | Notes  Mathematica |
5 | Mathematica Session | Notes  Mathematica |
6 | Lagrange Multipliers Example | Mathematica |
7 | Random Search, Global vs Local | Mathematica |
8 | Continuous Dynamical Systems | Notes  Mathematica |
9 | Discrete Dynamical Systems | Notes  Mathematica |
10 | Eigenvalues and Stability for Continuous Dynamical Systems | Notes  Mathematica |
11 | Eigenvalues and Stability for Discrete Dynamical Systems | Notes  Mathematica |
12 | The Final word on Comparing Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems; Simulations | Notes  Mathematica |
13 | Chaos and Fractals | Notes  Mathematica |
14 | Discrete and Continuous Probability | Notes  Mathematica |
15 | Deterministic and Stochastic Battle Simulations | Notes  Mathematica | 16 | Markov Process | Notes  Mathematica | 17 | Linear Regression | Notes  Mathematica | 18 | Synthetic Data Sets | Mathematica | 19 | Locally Weighted Polynomial Regression (lowess) | Notes  Mathematica |
Here are the assignments, in pdf format.