One dilly of a storm, July 23, 2001

The worst damage occurred in the area along the south shore of Minnewaska near Peter's Resort and Little Montevideo.

These are the only accomodations at Peter's that actually seemed to have a tree come down on top of them.

Same thing happened at a Peter's neighbor.

Road crews got out bright and early to cut up trees and open up South Lakeshore Drive.

The downed trees were, alas, quite large.

Docks, boatlifts, pontoons and boats took quite a hit.

I checked out the Disrud cabins in Little Montevideo. Dale's dock and boatlift (under the pontoon. Really, look hard, it's there) took quite a hit. He was at the cabin and awake when the storm hit, which must have been pretty darn scary.

Bev and Harlan's place was remarkably unscathed. A few downed branches, a destroyed birdhouse. Oh, and some glass in their yard . . .
. . . from the neighbors' shattered picture windows.

The corn took quite a beating, as did the wheat. Soybeans look okay. Why does this always happen (well, two years in a row, anyway) right before Waterama? My dock suffered some damage but the neighbors helped me fish the missing sections and loose boards out of the water along the lakeshore (most of it was found down by the new condos).