Lift up your head. Walk down the hall proudly.
Here in this castle stand by our house today.
We're no disgrace. We're not in mourning.
I know things were bad. But now they're okay.
Suddenly Severus
is standing beside us.
We don't need to placate, don't have to pretend.
Suddenly Severus
is here to provide us with understanding.
Severus, you're...
Never the whole truth, only maligning,
Dumbledore favors his Gryffindors.
They assume we'll follow Voldemort blindly.
He'll snap his fingers, we'll all say, "Sure."
Suddenly Severus
Is standing beside us
We don't need excuses, don't have to defend.
Suddenly Severus
Is here to provide us with understanding
Severus, you're...
Tell me this feeling lasts 'til forever
Tell me the bad times are clean washed away.
People may still hold their biases tightly,
but Slytherins will always remember the day...
Suddenly Severus...
he purified us.
Suddenly Severus showed us we can
turn out to be more than those who despise us
'cause he understands us.
He understands us.
He understands us...
... grand.