Production Photos

The cast of Life with Mother Superior ("The Trouble with Angels). The
girls, descending the staircase from top to bottom, are: Ashley Munn
(Mary), Brandee DeJong (Charlotte), Annie Snider (Rachel), Sara Helgaas
(Valerie), and Jenny Thompson (Marvel Ann). The nuns, left to right,
are: Judi Morton (Ligouri), Carrie Stensrud (Constance), Barbara Jurek
(Felicia), Jan Ronning (Elizabeth), and Rebecca Chapman
(Mother). Beth/Bert/Bud/Bowser Chapman is the one wearing the hat
(Petrie/George/Gottchak). The stained glass window on the wall
designates the stairway as the chapel. The blue curtain and gold cross
cover the window to the cloister.

"Where did you get these?"
"The plumber left them."
"I'm not sure I like them."
"Good. You'll have something you hate you can give up for Lent."
Got a laugh every time.

Bert Chapman (or is that Bud? Bowser?) played all three male
roles. Here's Mr. Petrie defending the abomination that is New Trend's
creative concept of progressive education... free wheeling, free thinking,
and finger painting. For Mr. Gottchak and Uncle George, Beth (her real
name) developed southern and maple syrup accents.

"The child... is ingenuous but ingenius, simple yet profoundly wise, a
hidden fountain from which bubbles forth..." Mary and Rachel have
sabotaged the sisters' tea with Bubble Charm. Use sparingly. A capful
makes a tubful. See the bubbles?

Reverend Mother and Sister Ligouri share a box of Fatty Farmer's Finest
Chocolates, donated by Uncle George's secretary. Judi Morton did an
extraordinary job developing her character. Well done,

Go fish. Meanwhile, Marvel Ann hoards her munchies. In another dorm
scene, the girls suffer from the cold but can't agree on repair
strategies. "I can't stuff His Holiness in a window!" "Well, I'm not
giving you Brad Pitt!" The Queen of May wreath is a tribute to a chapter
in Trahey's book not used in the play or the movie. And SURVIVAL QUEST is
just another name for a life devoted to God. Can you spot the bottle of
Bubble Charm?

The band sequence got a spontaneous round of applause every

"How's the water, sister?" It looks like Sister Felicia chopped their
heads off, but actually, she just dunked them.

The sewing and pool scenes were also choregraphed to soundtrack
music. "Something better" also brought spontaneous applause a couple of
times... I'm not sure the actresses ever realized how really subtle and
touching the scene was. The background photo of a diverse group of kids
reflects internet research into parochial schools; one respondent
remembers the nuns assuming that EVERYONE, no matter what his or her
background, would succeed.

A discussion of what will become of Mary in the future leads to one of
Charlotte's fainting spells. "What do YOU want to be, Marvel
Ann?" "Anything but a secretary."

The departure of Sister Constance piggy-backed nicely with the death of
Sister Ligouri. The feather dusters were plumes from ancient marching
band uniforms stored in the building that houses the Paulson Downstage
Theatre. If only there were boots, too!

NunFest 2000? Hey, whatever the producer wants, the producer gets. The
president of the club that produced the play wanted a tap-dancing
sequence... and Jan and Judi and Carrie wanted to sing... and the kids
wanted more time to change costumes before and after the pool
sequence. Say amen, somebody!
I'm Rebecca webb and I can be reached via e-mail at: