An Outing at the Winegarden Farm

In the spring of 2006, the house on the former Winegarden farm, off township road 19 near Lake Pelican in Pope County, burned down. Though the land was rented for crop production, the farmsite was virtually abandoned after Lily moved out following Clyde's death in 1979. The house was allowed to deteriorate until it resembled little more than a dilapidated clubhouse inviting short-term habitation by law-breakers and other miscreants.

For years, extended family members spent every Sunday afternoon and Christmas at this farm. These photos are screen captures from a DVD my brother made from home movies shot in the summer of 1966 (right after Dad got home from Vietnam) or 1967. I see Clyde and Lily, Jut & Avryl, Bonnie and Lyle and their boys, Judy (presumably staying with grandparents Clyde and Lily... no sign of brother Jerry), Mary, Kim and Dion, Mom and me and Byron (Dad is behind the camera). Thanks for the help, Judy! RW

I'm Rebecca Webb and I can be reached via e-mail at: