CSci 1211 Introduction to Problem Solving with Java -- Assignments.

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This page contains problem set assignments for the course. The assignments will be added as they become available.

Some assignments are in PDF format. If you have troubles accessing the files, please let me know, I'll be happy to print them out for you.

Submission guidelines.

Please follow these guidelines precisely, otherwise your problem set may receive a lower grade or not be accepted at all.

Submitting programs: please send me all the source files (.java. .html) and all the data files (if any) in plain text format as attachments to an e-mail message. The attached files must have the correct names. The e-mail message must have subject "Problem set n" (where instead of "n" you put the problem set number). If you are using your non-UMM e-mail, please include your name in the subject or in the message text. The message must be sent before the submission deadline. It's OK to send several messages, one per each problem in a problem set. Please do not send compressed files.

NEW AND IMPORTANT!!! Please CC the e-mail submission to Chris Olson, the grader for our class. His e-mail is

You should submit each problem only once. If I get too many e-mail messages from you with a problem set submission, points may be taken off ("too many" may mean any number greater than 1, at the instructor's discretion).

Important: please keep a copy of your program files until the problem set is graded. DO NOT modify them after the submission. I may need to see the files to verify that the problem set has been done on time.

Documentation and style: all .java files must follow indentation and naming conventions. Each .java file must start with comments with your name, assignment number, and problem number. Each .java file must be properly commented. The program must be easy to understand. You may loose points if you don't follow these guidelines.

Submitting paper-and-pencil problems: You may submit them in class on the due date, or slide them under my door before the submission time, or send them as a part of the e-mail submission. In the latter case please use plain text or in Word format. No other formats will be accepted. If submitting a paper copy, please include your name and the problem set number.

Deadlines and late coupons: The problem set is considered submitted when I receive the last part of the submission. If you are using a late coupon and your problem set is submitted by e-mail, please mention the late coupon in the message text.

NEW AND HELPFUL: your submitted program must compile and run. Even if it does not work exactly as specified, partial credit will be given for the parts of the program that work correctly. If you can't get some of your code to compile, comment it out before the submission to make sure that the rest of the program can be tested. If your program doesn't compile, no credit will be given for it.

If your program doesn't have all of the required behavior or doesn't work correctly on some of the tests, write comments in the beginning of the program explaining what works and what doesn't. To increase your chance for partial credit, write down, briefly, the things that you tried to make the program work, why, in your opinion, they failed, and how would you try to fix the problem given more time. If you are on the right track, you might get a significant portion of the credit even if you didn't get some features to work.

Problem sets: