CSci 1301: Problem Solving and Algorithm Development -- Resources
In-class examples
- August 30th: First Racket examples
- September 3rd: Writing and testing functions,
function contracts
- September 8th: Examples of
errors, Conditionals
- September 10th: Extended
example: movie theater (also shows a function for checking
results), interest.rkt
(in class exercise)
- September 13th: Symbols
- September 15th: Type checking functions, Structures
- September 17th: Extended
exercise, Defining your own
structures, more functions on
structures, Using a structure to
define a shape; drawing and clearing the shape.
- September 24th: Distinguishing
different structures and detecting and signaling errors: shapes
- October 1: Lists
- October 4: Review for the midterm,
Some solutions that we
developed in class.
- October 8: Recursive
functions on lists
- October 13: List append and list reverse functions, Drawing shapes: an extended exercise
- October 25. Recursive structures: family tree (child) structure, binary search tree
- November 1. Functional abstraction, Local definitions.
- November 3. map.rkt, predefined Racket list functions, examples and exercises on applying predefined functions.
- November 8: Review lists questions, graphics example
- November 12: Solutions
to the exercise on applying functions.
- November 15: Building functions,
returning functions from other functions, using
- November 22: Setting the
state of a variable.
- December 1: Sierpinski triangles (explained here), tail recursions, general Scheme language (differnces in syntax)
- December 6: Introduction to
Clojure programming language
- December 10: Review for the
Student work
DrScheme (DrRacket) resources
Resources for the textbooks and other helpful resources
Various links
- ENIAC (1946) is generally considered to be the first general purpose, electronic, digital programmable device, i.e. the first digital computer.