Type system (or a lack of one?) in C++

#include <iostream>  // need this header file to support the C++ I/O system
using namespace std; // telling the compiler to use namespace "std",
// where the entire C++ library is declared.

int main()
  int n = 5, m = 3;
  int *p = &n; // p is a pointer to int, points to n
  int *q = &m; // q is a pointer to int, points to m

  *p = 6; // changing n via p
  cout << "n = " << n << endl; // printing n
  q = p; // copied the address from p to q
  cout << "*q = " << *q << endl; // printing what q points to

  m = 6;
  q = &m;
  cout << "Below 1 represents true, 0 represents false " << endl;
  cout << "m == n: " << (m == n) << endl;
  cout << "*p == *q: " << (*p == *q) << endl;
  cout << "p == q: " << (p == q) << endl;

  // Booleans are not a separate type in C++,
  // they are integers: 0 = false, any other value means true
  // Boolean operations are applicable to integers (and chars)
  cout << "true = " << true << endl;
  cout << "false = " << false << endl;
  if (2) cout << "2 means true" << endl;
  if (!0) cout << "0 means false" << endl;
  if ('A') cout << "characters with non-zero ASCII code are true, too" << endl;
  if (! '\0') cout << "end of string character '\\0' means false" << endl;
  if (('?' - 6) || !89) cout << "('?' - 6) || !89 - Huh? That's an integer, too?" << endl;

  const int size = 3;
  int A[size];
  // array elements are not initialized
  cout << "Printing uninitialized array..." << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
    cout << A[i] << endl;

  // going through the array using pointers
  for (p = A; p < A + size; p++) {
    *p = 0;

  cout << "Printing the array initialized to 0s..." << endl;
  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    cout << A[i] << endl;

  // All of these are the same:
  cout << "A[2] = " << A[2] << endl;
  cout << "*(A + 2) = " << *(A + 2) << endl;
  cout << "2[A] = " << 2[A] << endl;

  return 0;


This is an example from CSci 4651 course.